Wednesday, November 11

Get Strong.... (said in my best DDP voice)

It's been an amazing couple of weeks since I got home from the incredible DDPYoga Retreat at El Dorado Royale in Mexico. I'm happy to check in and say that I've now lost 11 pounds!

I've been going to the gym regularly, and I do some DDPYoga in the group exercise room and then am riding a stationary bike for 20-30 minutes. I think it's a great combination for me, and I'm happy when I get TO the gym and happy when I leave the gym. My goal is to do 30 minutes of DDPYoga and 30 minutes of biking, but so far, that hasn't happened YET.

My food is totally rocking, by the way. This past weekend, even with a couple of family meals out, I was still down on Monday, which is a huge accomplishment for me. It's not easy to be gluten free and dairy free and eat out, trust me. My family is making the adjustment well, I'm really happy to say. Having their support means a lot to me.

This week at the gym, I've had a few accomplishments that I want to highlight. These are all totally credited to DDP and his fantastic teaching and motivating at the retreat.

  •  I'm no longer on my knee for lunges. My achilles seems to have stretched/healed enough so I can stay up on my feet and do the lunge sequences. 
  •  I'm actually able to count out loud during my workout. Seriously. I just couldn't before for some reason. I think it's the breathing. If you haven't done the Breathing exercise on the first DVD, you should. Every. day. Really! 
  •  My squats are getting stronger. I can feel it. I'm not pushing to go lower yet, and, in fact, I put a low chair behind me at the gym and touch it with my butt, to keep my form, and to keep myself upright (DDP commented I was all tilted forward so that had to be fixed.) 
  •  In can opener, which I'm currently doing every day because it's a favorite, I'm finally getting vertical. Every day I feel a tiny bit more vertical, (meaning I'm able to sit up and put my hands on my front leg), which is huge because I wasn't able to do that before Mexico. 
  • Side planks are getting easier and easier. Yesterday I was able to raise my leg. I'm on my knee this week, but soon I'm going to be on both feet!

These are all small changes, but big change comes from putting together small changes. I'm thrilled with my progress, and owning my journey. One of the biggest take homes from the retreat was not just that I need to own my life, but that it's okay to modify. It has taken me a long time to understand why other forms of yoga are called "practice". It's because practice is what leads to success. So, if there is a move I can't do today, I just keep trying it over and over, with every workout, and practice it, holding correct form, until I get better and better at the position and master it. This might be second nature to others, but for me it was big. I am one who "gets" things pretty easily, and honestly, getting where I am now with DDP Yoga has been a big deal. I'm so so motivated and so excited with each workout to see where I can go next.

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