Wednesday, September 6

Kombucha and Muscle Soreness

A year or so ago, my friend Helen made me some Kombucha. She told me it was a fermented beverage and was really really good for me. Because I trust her, I drank it. It didn't taste the best, very tart and tangy, like vinegar only different, but it was an interesting experiment so I drank it all. (she gave me a 1 liter bottle.) On and off, I've gotten more from her. Sometimes I run out and don't have time to get bottles to her or go see her, so I buy storebought, but I'm kind of good about getting my kombucha in a few times a week.
Fast forward to this summer, when I've added Beachbody on Demand workouts to my lifestyle. The first day, I thought I was going to die. Literally. I was in SO much pain. Holy wow, I was sore. I was ready to try anything. I ended up having some kombucha, just because it was handy. When I woke up the next morning, I was not sore. Wait, what? No, seriously, I was not sore!
I figured it was a happy coincidence, but kept drinking it, and although I would get mildly sore, I was able to function! Hmmmm. Was this all in my head?
I did some research online and, sure enough, Kombucha reduces lactic acid. Lactic acid is what makes us sore! Aha!
Moral of the story? Drink some Kombucha!!! Find a friend that makes it or buy some at the store. Be prepared, it won't be your favorite beverage, but you can dilute it and it's a bit easier to drink. My very favorite of all time is during the winter, Helen makes cranberry Kombucha. When I get it home, I sneak about 10 grains of raw sugar (don't tell Helen) into my bottle and let it sit in the fridge. I don't know, it's probably all in my head, but it makes it taste even better!
And hey, don't forget, if you have questions about Beachbody or want to know more or even become a coach, let me know!! I'm here to help!
-Have an awesome day!

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