Tuesday, August 8

What am I reading right now...

I'm trying to get back into the habit of blogging, can you tell?

A couple of weeks ago, a woman in my Beachbody Challenge group posted a book that she was reading. The title sounded interesting, so I looked it up on Amazon. I have to say, I never expected the absolute gem that it has turned out to be.

You know how sometimes, if you listen really close, the universe will hand you an absolutely stellar gift? Something where you catch your breath and wonder how you didn't know about it until now. Well, for me, right now, that's this book!!! It is SO interesting. It is also so relevant to my life, right now! For me, there are things I'm doing that I probably should have done sooner, and things I didn't know I didn't know that I'm learning about. It's made every day so exciting because I'm listening to it on the way to and from work and my drives are flying by!!

Yes, I know, quit teasing. Here's a link to Remembering Wholeness: Personal Handbook to Thriving in the 21st Century on amazon.

Check it out and let me know what you think! I'll probably do a more in depth review once I finish!

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