Friday, August 4

Brave Girl Symposium 2017

At the beginning of July, I had the opportunity to attend Brave Girls Symposium in Boise, Idaho. I went last year, and found so much wisdom, peace and joy that I just had to go back this year! It did not disappoint.
I arrived on Wednesday evening and almost immediately found members of my tribe, right as I entered the hotel! It was crazy amazing. Women who I have known on line for many years, coming up and all of us squealing in the lobby. In fact, I was so excited to be there that while I DID register, I did NOT remember to get my room key! I was really late in arriving, so I actually went to the restaurant with these ladies and ate, with my big ol’ pink suitcase sitting next to my seat. After dinner and a bit more visiting I realized I had no room key so I got that, then walking down the hall ran into another friend who was looking for ME! Ended up back in the restaurant just sitting and chatting for the longest time.
Thursday is a blur. The actual symposium did not start until Thursday evening. I have no idea what I did all day Thursday, but the day was gone in a flash! I spent a big part of it with my friend from last year, Myra, including a fabulous crab dinner at Joe’s Crab Shack with Myra and our new friends Shelley and Laura. It was so much fun to get to know these ladies a bit and learn more about each other, and it was divine to sit at our table overlooking the Boise river.
Melody’s opening talk was beyond crazy amazing, as always. I can’t say enough about this event. If you want to feel loved, supported, precious, included, or if you want to find people who are kind, generous, friendly, supportive, loving, and just plain fun, you might wanna head to a Brave Girls event.
Friday was spent mostly listening to amazing women tell their stories, and other women get up and give their testimony about similar experiences or wanting support. It is an eye opening experience to be in a room with over 600 women and realize you are not alone. Whatever you are going through in life, there is always someone else who has something to contribute to make you feel better and supported.
Saturday morning I did some volunteer work and did a bit more in the afternoon. It was so much fun! I totally enjoyed being in the art room and helping ladies make things, as well as making a couple of small things myself, for a couple of deserving friends. The evening brought the closing “ceremony” of sparklers on the Riverwalk. It’s so hard to see the event end, and so hard to leave the “love bubble” that you are in for the entire time. As I left the river walk to go back to my room to pack, I went past Melody and called “See you at lunch” which is the standard Brave Girl exit line, because it’s way too hard to say goodbye.

I’ve already signed up for next year, but need to wait a couple weeks more to reserve my room! Next year’s dates are August 15-18. If you are looking for inspiration, wisdom, peace, joy, or anything else, please join me!! You can sign up here: BraveGirl Symposium 2018 (Make sure you sign up soon because the price has been discounted!) See you there!

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